Wednesday 9 August 2017

Google Analytics

Google Analytics

google analytics is a web analytics is provided by the google. It is used to track the google traffics and visitors track. Its most widely used web services and also a free service on the internet. Google analytics can also helps to find identity of the visitors,visitors time, type of OS, spend time, nature of visit, type, location, real time view of the visitors,nature of traffic.

There are 4 different type of traffics;
  • Direct Traffic.
  • Referal Traffic.
  • Social Media Traffic.
  • Organic/Natural Traffic.

Direct Traffic: Users who types the sites url directly into the website. Eg; type website url directly, click from the advertisement or from the bookmarks.

Referal Traffic: Users click the link from the other sites. Eg; Hyperlinks. 

Social Media Traffic: Visit occurs from the social medias like, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Organic/Natural Traffic: Visit directly occurred from the search engine's. Eg; search from google, yahoo, Bing, etc.

Google Account creation

First need to create google analytics account. The account setup steps:

  1. Login to google analytics by
  2. Click sign in option and from that select analytics button.
  3. It redirected to a page then click sign up option.

Google Analytics-sigh up phase

Then do the following steps.
  • First add the account name and website name.
  • Paste the blog URL to the next tab.
  • Select a suitable industry category (eg reference,others,etc)
  • Next field is reporting time zone is an important thing in the google analytics. Should provide the proper country name and associated time.
Google Analytics-website

  • Next click on the 'Get Track Id' >> Select the country associated company >> click 'I Agree' option from the google analytics  terms of service agreement page.
Google Analytics-analytics agreement

  • Copy the track id then go to blogger 'Setting' option, from that choose 'Other' option >> Select google analytics id then paste into it.
  • Next website tracking code it is also called universal code and copy the code.
Google Analytics-copy code

  • Then go to the blogger >> Select 'Theme' option >> Click 'Edit html' button.
  • Paste the code with in the head tag and save the changes.
  • Installation is completed and now you can check your analytics.
Google Analytics-home page

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Webmaster Tools and Verification Techniques

Webmaster Tools and Verification Techniques

webmaster tools

Web master tools is a set of tools for webmasters and platform for google to advice webmaster for optimizing their sites. It  also helps to check the indexing status and listing the websites. Now termed as 'google search console'. These tools are helps to communicate with google and vice versa.

Verification technique


1. create a blog.
2. copy the url of blog.(If its in .in extension format then remove it and add .com/ncr >> press enter and copy the url with .com extension)
3. login to web master tools and paste the url.
4. Click on 'Add a property button'.
5. Then it will be redirected to a page with different options then, click the 'HTML tag'and copy the meta tag data given in the text box. (eg: <meta name="google-site-verification" content =" .." />).
6.Back to blogger dashboard, click on theme and then click on edit html.
7.Paste the copied meta tag inside the head section and save.
8.Go to search console and press verify button.
9.Now you will get a verification message.

verification techniques-last step

Fetch and Index Requesting Process

webmaster tool-verification process

1.Then click on the website( (eg; ) >> Then it will be redirected to a page with different options then, click the 'crawl' option >> then choose the 'Fetch as google option'.

2. Then paste the post url to the corresponding place >> then click the fetch option.  
3. After that there will be request indexing button on the screen and click on 'Request Indexing' button.
4. Then there will be choose any one of the optiion 'Crwal only this url' or 'Crwal this url and its direct links option'.
verification techniques-last step

5. Then wait for the indexing to complete.
If you want to know more about SEO techniques click on page optimization techniques.

Sunday 6 August 2017

Introduction To Seo On Page Optimization Techniques

On Page Optimization Techniques

on page optimization-seo

SEO means search engine optimization. SEO can be divided into two parts, on-page optimization and off-page optimization. On-page optimization is a process in which changes occurred inside the webpages such as page title, description, meta tag, etc. On-page optimization technique is used to increase your page ranking on search results.
Seo On Page Optimization Techniques-off  Page Optimization Techniques

There are various types on-page search engine optimization techniques.
1.Body Title
  • Page Title
  • URL Structure
  • Meta Description
These are together known as snippet. 

2.Body Section
  • Body Tags
  • Anchor Text Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Keyword Optimization
  • Authorship Optimization

Seo On Page Optimization Techniques-overview

Page Title

Page Title is the one of the most important search engine optimization factor on your website. webpages should contain unique page title and it also includes the keywords for that page. Page title must contain three or more words and it should be more clear. The text page has a capacity of 70 characters and pixel width should not exceed 512 pixel. Title should be more impressive to users. 

URL Structure

Uniform Resource Locator(URL) is also known as web address. It must contain the keywords.

Meta Description

Meta Description  is also provided in the google snippet and it is an HTML tag. It helps to get more click from  the users.  
 eg; <meta name="description" content=" ..."/>

Meta description must be unique and it shouldn't be matched with any other sites. In a single page the number of character should within 155 to 160  range and in a blog page it shouldn't be exceed more than 155 because it contain the publishing date. The pixel rate is within 1024.

  • Heading Tags: Heading tags are used to represent heading,minor heading,sub heading,normal. Tags are ranges from <h1> to <h6>. Title is included in  the <h1>tag, subheading  is included in <h2>and<h3>tags, <h6> is the smallest among the all.                        

Anchor Text Optimization

Anchor text is the clickable text. Hyper links are provided into the webpages using anchor tag.
Hyper links are helps to find other pages. Anchor text are displayed in blue color.
example;  <a href="...">page name<a/>

Seo on page optimization techniques-anchor optimization

Image Optimization

Image Optimization is one of the on page optimization technique. Google use three factors to identify the image.

  •  Alt Name: alt tag is an important factor in optimization. Images are inserted into the webpage using 'img src' tag. eg; <img src="image.jpg" alt="image description">,  alt tag describes the function of the image.
  • Image Filename: It helps to identify the images. Keywords should be provided with the file name. Name are connected using a '-' symbol or underscores.
  • Contents around the image. It reduce the file size.

Keywords Optimization

Keywords optimization has an important role in the seo techinques. Some tips related to keyword optimization;
  • Keywords should be provided inside the contents.
  • The focusing keywords should try to provide before a comma(,) or a fulls top(.).
  • Grey colors are used to represent the keywords.

Keyword Density

Keyword Density is the amount of time a keyword present on a webpage. If we are using the keywords many times in the webpage then ranking will be higher in search engine optimization and 2-5% is an optimal usage.

Authorship Optimization

In authorship optimization, we should connect between the post authors and google. If we want to publish a blog or any page in the website, we should verify the authorship. Its one of the most important on page optimization technique.

  • Create google plus account.
  • Give the label name on your end of the page. Then click LINK button > add URL of google plus profile.
  • Click HTML -- Add attribute rel="author"-- save. 

I have already post a blog about history and evolution of  search engine optimization.


Wednesday 2 August 2017

History Of Search Engine Optimization

History&Evolution Search Engine Optimization 

history and evolution of seo


Google was started by a group of college students. In the beginning, google was used for their own personal purpose. Later,Google was transformed into a company in 1998. Google work based on three process; crawling,catching and indexing. Crawling is two process of scanning the web page to get the information after taking a snapshot it is saved in the database. Then fetching the data related to the page and storing into the data base the process is catching. Finally indexing,is the process of listing the pages according to the user needs.
Their are two type of optimization techniques: on page optimization and off page optimization.

History Of Search Engine Optimization-seo off-page techniquesHistory Of Search Engine Optimization-seo on-page techniques


History Of Search Engine Optimization-google updations

Search engines works based on the algorithm. In the beginning, search engines were based on content specific. Keywords are provided for each webpage based on the keywords on which the search results were published. Keyword meta tag was used for keywords searching. Users misuse the keyword searching to obtain more ranking and that process is named as keyword stuffing.  There are different types of keyword stuffing that are adding keywords to blank space, background color set to the keywords and make there pixel size 1. Later keyword searching was replaced by link specific technique. Then google changes the technique from link specific to quality link specific. Page ranking technique also adopted simultaneously which shows a range of ranking from 1 to 10. Those who have more links then that website gets high rank. Finally it leads to link selling process. Then google adopt a new scheme termed as quality link specific. Twitter,us govt site,some flash player updates have only page rank 10, even the google has page rank 9. Last page rank updation was done on 2013, dec 6th. Again, there raised a problem, High page rank websites started link selling. As a result of this, google introduce a new scheme, that is passing the juice, which means when a high ranked website shares their link to others sites, their ranking will come down.  

Nofollow concept

In order to stop the passing equity from one site to another,  google introduced a new concept termed as nofollow.
rel="nofollow" is included into the hyper text link.
eg:< a"rec="unfollow">softloom<\a> through this,the site doesn't pass their equity to other sites.

Important Google Updates

History Of Search Engine Optimization-updation overview

strong  google  updation was done in February 2011.

Panda Updates

History Of Search Engine Optimization-panda updation

panda updation was introduce on feb 2011. This updation was used to remove content spamming. There are different types of content spamming, they are content duplication, quality less content, contents with grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, content spinning, content tinny. Later google introduced different kinds of panda versions. In 2014 may 19, Google did panda 4.0 updation  and it was a great success. It was used to remove unnecessary websites and it became a permanent  filter  in their own algorithm. it was during the same time sandbox was also introduced which ensures storage of temporary data and quality less pages.

Penguin Updates

History Of Search Engine Optimization-penguin updation

Penguin updation was introduced by the google in 2012. It's related to removal of link spamming. There are various types of link spamming, they are link exchange, link selling and link buying, comment spamming, link farming, wiki spamming, guest blogging. wiki spamming is adding link or edit anything inside the Wikipedia and guest blogging is a method used by bloggers to increase blog traffic where bloggers writes posts to be published on other's bloggers blog.

Humming bird Updates

History Of Search Engine Optimization-humming bird updation

Humming bird updation was introduced by the google in 2013. It's based on semantic search results.
Rankbrain is a new version of humming bird updation  which was introduced in 2015.

Pigeon Updates

History Of Search Engine Optimization-pigeon updation

 pigeon updation was introduced by the google in 2013. It's based on local seo.


Mobilegeddon updation was introduced by the google in 2015 April 21. It's based on mobile friendly update. google makes the websites more mobile friendly.